Marketing segmentation is one of the most important steps in starting any business. So before creating an enterprise that will generate income, you need to know your client.

Marketing segmentation is also common in the tourism sector. Thus, travel organizations divide clients according to their travel preferences, their age, values, income level and modes of travel. One type of business will suit one or more types of travelers, but will not satisfy the needs of others. That is why it is so important to know exactly the type of service to which your business is oriented.

Destination Canada divides travelers into nine types, each with their own unique values, characteristics, and needs. In today’s blog, I’ll provide a short description of each one. You can also find yourself among them.

Authenic Experiencer is a person who appreciates and fully merges with the natural and cultural environment, is not afraid of changes and shuns prescribed tours and group excursions.

Authenic Experiencer is trying to get the most out of his travels, learning something new for self-development. He is not indifferent to the future of the planet, so he cares about the environment and enjoys contemplating natural beauty. He also tries to fully integrate into the cultural environment of the place he is visiting.

Authenic Experiencer is most often found in natural national parks, cultural heritage sites or in a museum. Authenic Experiencer is unpretentious in the choice of housing, so he can live in a tent, in a homestay or Airbnb.

Cultural explorer. A type of explorer similar to a Authenic Experincer. The cultural explorer also fully merges into the environment, and is interested in both history and the current trends of his chosen culture. This type of traveler likes to travel in a company like thinking people, and they also actively communicate with the locals. This is the type that I belong to.

They can be seen in places of historical importance, museums, festivals. As well as Authentic Expreincer, it will not be impressed by luxury hotels, as this type of traveler prefers to settle in more accessible places such as a hostel, Airbnb or homestay.

Cultural Histroy Buff. These types of travelers go beyond their familiar surroundings to understand the history and culture of others. In their travels, they tend to pursue their own interests and hobbies. They also prefer to travel alone or with small groups.

Most often, they prefer places such as museums and exhibitions, festivals and places where they can mingle with the locals, such as a barbecue or restaurant.
Cultural History Buffs are always trying to learn something new, so they actively participate in various workshops and where they can express themselves.

Free Spirits are the most social types of travelers and always want to be surrounded by people. They are full of energy and are always looking for fun and constant exploration. They want a little bit of everything and are looking for the very best they can afford.

The types of businesses of interest free spirits include luxury hotels, nightclubs, tourist hotspots, and fancy restaurants.

Gentle explorers. Those tourists who are looking for comfort and safety in their travels. They prefer to plan ahead and visit familiar places. Travelers of this type tend to be conservative, traditional and structured their travels in advance.

Typical places to visit are branded luxury hotels, spas, swimming pools, iconic group tours and activities like golf or fishing.

Hassle-free travelers. This type of tourists are looking for a way to escape and take a break from their everyday worries. When traveling, they seek peace and tranquility, enjoy the natural and cultural landscape, and prefer to travel with close friends or family.

They can be found in parks, museums, natural sites, festivals, theaters, and on group tours.

Personal Histroy Explorers. The type of researchers who are trying to learn more about their roots and their famlily heritage. They are characterized by clear planning and scheduling, and family-oriented travel, the tradition of visiting the main attractions, comfort and safety.

More often than not, personal history explorers often visit places such as luxury hotels, expensive restaurants, shopping centers and museums.

Rejuvinators. Those types of travelers who want to completely “disconnect” from the reality around them. On their travels, they seek peace, relaxation and recharge. They prefer short family trips, they are traditional and ambitious in their future plans. They like it when someone else takes care of them.

They are most commonly found in family resorts, organized tours, casinos, and tourist hotspots.

Virtual travelers. In fact, many of us became virtual travelers during quarantine. Everything they want from travel they have at home or in their community. Therefore, their travels are short, they pass not far from home. The virtual travelers themselves are very flexible in their schedule, they usually travel alone or in small groups.

Most often, virtual travelers prefer motels, family events or casinos.

Did you find yourself among these types of travellers? If you still not sure which type of traveller you are, you can take the quiz here and learn a lot of things about yourself!

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